8 Best High Calories Vegan Foods

Are you Looking for High Calories Vegan foods? If yes then this article is very beneficial for you. In this article, we will talk about the 20 best High Calories Vegan foods for Weight.

Gaining weight is a very difficult task for vegans, eliminating non-veg products from your diet makes it very hard. But you don’t need to worry, in this article I will share 20 high calories vegan foods, that will help you to gain weight.

In this article, I will cover the best High Calories Vegan foods with some additional nutritional information.

Eating more calories is not a way to gain weight, you have to eat foods, which are high in fat as well as in Calories.

Best High Calories Vegan Foods for Weight Gain

Here are the 20 best High Calories Vegan Foods that can help you in gaining weight.

1. Avocado

High Calories Vegan Foods

Avocados are a great source of Vitamins like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K and Vitamin B6. Avocados are also a food source of magnesium and potassium, and also provide lutein, beta carotene and omega-3 fatty acids. They also contain healthy fats, which can help you to feel fuller. Healthy fat is very essential for us.

Avocados may also help to maintain healthy cholesterol levels and are also very good for heart health.

Avocados are very rich in fiber. Rich fiber fruits can help to maintain digestive tract health and reduce the risk of colon cancer.

100 grams of avocado Contains
Calories160 cal
fat14.7 grams
Carbohydrates8.5 grams
Fiber6.7 g

2. Quinoa

High Calories Vegan Foods

Quinoa contains high fiber as compared to other grains. According to the Academy of Nutrition, consuming enough fiber may help reduce several health diseases.

Quinoa is also a good source of antioxidants as compared to other grains, this antioxidant compound may help reduce the risk of heart disease and several eye disorders,

One Cup of Quinoa Contains
Calories220 cal
Protein8.15 g
fiber5.18 g

3. Tahini

High Calories Vegan Foods

Tahini is made from toasted sesame seeds. Tahini is rich in important nutrients like fiber, copper, protein and phosphorus.

Tahini may also reduce heart disease risk

One tablespoon of Tahini Contains
Calories89 cal
Protein3 g
Fat8 g
carbs3 grams

4. Peanut Butter

High Calories Vegan Foods

Peanut Butter is very high in calories. Peanut butter is packed with protein, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats.

Peanut butter that contains roasted peanuts and whey protein is very effective for weight gain.

One tablespoon of Tahini Contains
Calories94 cal
Protein4 g
fat8 g

5. Dried Fruit

High Calories Vegan Foods

Dried fruits are fruits that contain around 0% water content, but they are rich in energy foods, that’s why these fruits can be used for weight gain purposes.

Dried fruits are also included in the Best High Calories Vegan Foods.

Dried fruits are high in calories as compared to fresh fruits. Studies proved that dried fruit contains 4 to 5 times more Micronutrients as compared to fresh fruit.

100 grams of Dried fruits contain
Calories250 cal
Protein2 g
Fiber7 g

Must Read: 10 best fruits for weight gain

6. Extra Virgin Olive oil

High Calories Vegan Foods

Extra virgin olive oil is healthy for us. These oils are extremely high in calories, that is the reason extra virgin olive oil will help you in gaining weight.

100 grams of Extra virgin olive oil contain

7. Pumpkin seeds

High Calories Vegan Foods

Pumpkin Seeds are rich in nutrient food, such as protein, fiber and unsaturated fatty acids. Pumpkin seeds contain a high amount of fiber, that’s it may also helpful for weight loss.

Pumpkin seeds are also included in the Best High Calories Vegan Foods.

Pumpkin seeds may also help to Improve heart health and blood sugar level.

Quater-cup of Pumpkin seeds Contains
Calories180 g
fat16 g
fiber2 g

8. Oats

High Calories Vegan Foods

Oats are included in the Best High Calories Vegan Foods. As we know oats are very helpful in losing weight, but you know that oats are also very helpful in gaining weight. They are a rich source of minerals like Manganese and zinc. Oats also contain iron and Vitamin B. If you want to make oats for weight gain, then just add full cream milk or you can add creamy yoghurt.

100 grams of Oats contains
Protein5 g
fiber4 g
Fat3 g

Recommended Youtube Video:- Best High Calories Vegan Foods

By- Ryan Adams – Natural Weight Loss Mastery

FAQs about High Calories Vegan Foods

Q.1 which are the top 5 High Calories Vegan Foods?

Ans: Here is the list of 5 high calories vegan food
1. Avocado
2. Quinoa
3. Tahini
4. Peanut Butter
5. Dried Fruit

Q.2 Is oats good for weight gain?

Ans: oats are also very helpful in gaining weight. B. If you want to make oats for weight gain, then just add full cream milk or you can add creamy yoghurt.

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